Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Graduates...

One month from today our oldest and youngest children will graduate with their college degrees. We couldn't be more proud for them - and prayerful for their futures.

I'm trying to remain optimistic. They each have a requirement to complete during the Fall semester - Krieger is scheduled to student teach near home and Erin has one class to complete - and finally they will be productive members of the workforce.

In addition, our middle son is heading off for a six week training program which will, hopefully, give him an opportunity for better employment driving large equipment for a Union force. He has traveled a rough road since his Navy days these past few years and we are very proud of where he has brought himself and his wonderful, young family.

Now more than ever the importance of that college degree seems to be waving in my face. I've been treading water in my current position at work. A year ago I made up my mind it was time to look for something more challenging. In an interview, instead of selling myself and my qualifications I spent the hour listening to management tell me of a position being created. I was excited. It sounded perfect! I felt certain this was God's plan for me and why they were so focused on tell me all about it.

Now I've learned my employer is little further with this position than they were a year ago. I feel so let down. I've begun the job search again. Two positions immediately appeared. I knew I was qualified. The request was for 3 years of office experience - I easily exceed 18 years. I've been assistants and managers. I am organized, work well independently or in a group. I am a self-starter. I've been with this employer 3 years. I've proven myself - I know and am reminded of this on a daily basis when I am asked to cover or take on a special project. And yet... both positions are being filled and I didn't even make it for an interview.

Despite the resistance of management I strongly believe there is a great deal of nepotism involved. It is difficult to disprove when the person who got that first position is the same one they were 'showing the ropes' before it was even posted to apply. I hear stories. I hear the denials and I'm not convinced.

It's a tough job market. College educated folks are looking to get their foot in the door for anything. I don't believe the time and money for a college degree at this point in my life will be beneficial.

There was a time I wanted to go to college. I joined the Navy and put money into the education program. Later I was starting a new life with my husband. We were faced with debts left by my predecessor - back mortgages, delinquent property taxes, her half of an IRS bill and her attorney fees - all left behind when she moved from the area with no forwarding address for these collectors. I chose to cash in my Veteran's Education benefits to pay what she owed and clear our names too. It was a choice made with no regrets. We have a beautiful family and I honestly feel my career as a homemaker, following my husband from place to place, was a success.

As our family moves onto their next phase of life, we too must make changes. I've made one decision - to officially cut back on my hours in order to follow the direction intended for me. Just need to figure out what that is...

1 comment:

Katie said...

You're amazing and anyone who doesn't throw themselves at your feet with their job opening in hand is truly an idiot! As much as I would miss you terribly you are deserving of a job that fulfills you and makes you happy. I've been in your position, not to long ago in fact, and I just tell myself that there must be a reason why things play out the way they do- it's not much but sometimes it's all you got. If nothing else just know I'm here for you...