Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And the Winner is...

Or in this case it might be the loser... Of course I'm talking about the Biggest Loser.

A year ago I had not yet watched an episode of this reality show. With the exception of Survivor and an occasional Amazing Race, I limited the amount of reality I have to deal with - life in general is just too real for me.

Matt & Brit moved in with us the end of last summer and we found ourselves joining them in front of the TV, or often the DVR, watching "regular" people like ourselves struggle weekly with obesity and the issues that brought them to that point in their life.

I was inspired. Yes - inspired. I joined a class at the Y and went regularly twice a week. The present season rolled around and I decided to take it a step further. My own 'real world' has my 50th birthday approaching and I wanted to make some changes. This time actually cutting calories AND working out regularly - an ongoing effort.

Each week I watch the progress the contestants have made. I see the trainers push them farther then they've ever been pushed. I am usually an emotional mess when Jillian digs into the deep down burdens or self imposed guilt carried around.

I'm not sure how much emotional baggage I carry with me - I'm human. I'm sure there is some. Maybe carry-on would be more appropriate...

The current contestants were not cut throat. Their "house" policy seemed to be one more of support for one another. Tonight the other 'losers' will return and we'll get a glimpse of how hard they've worked since being voted off. The final 3 contestants will each take their turn on the scale for the win. The public will vote between Koli and Daris to see who is the 3rd contestant. I suspect Daris will not get the public vote to be one of those three. Mike has lost an impressive amount of weight but he came to the Biggest Loser Ranch in need of losing the weight of TWO people. He's matured and grown personally and I no longer cringe when the camera is focused on him. Ashley has grown up and learned to take care of herself first and deal with the emotional loss with her father's death. I would like to Ashley win the money - but in my heart they are all victorious!

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