Thursday, April 9, 2009

Some days I have to dig deep to stay positive!

First patient...
"I don't need to fill out this paperwork - I come in here every year. "
(Sure, what could possibly change in a year!)

Second patient...
"Why do you need to see my photo id, that's just stupid."
(Oh sheez - I just enjoy asking!)

Third patient...
"This is impossible to find - are you going to move again next year?"
(We are located on a main street right near the mall and have been here over a year.)

Fourth patient...
I comment that the sun is shining - isn't it beautiful.
"It's probably temporary, I hate daylight savings - who are they fooling?"

This afternoon...
"Don't be nice to me - you'll make me cry".
(Okay but they don't like me to yell at people.)


Lil' Stormster said...

You are a far better person than I!!!!

Randy Sandknop said...

Hey Deb,

Why are all your patients so wonderful these days?

Why is everyone you meet so easy to get along with lately?

Why has your job suddenly become so enjoyable?

"In my world, everyone is eager to feel good!"

"In my world, people are happy to help each other and smiling is so easy!"

Studies have shown that these types of questions and thought declarations make the dig to stay positive not nearly so deep!

Happy Monday, have a fabulous week! You deserve it!

Much love,

Mary said...

Ha Ha Ha. Oh how I feel your pain on a daily basis...Would it be worse if all we saw were men??? Not sure on that one.

- Tristin - said...

I'm going to move ALL the SHARP objects away from you! :D